Cheap memory solution


Registered User
I was getting more and more worried about backing up data from my PC.

I was in Maplin looking at large memory solutions, with €200'ish in mind, and came across and external data box, with fan, for 3.5" Hard Drives.

Basically, an old hard drive (easily removed from an old PC), slots in. It is then connected via a 3 pin plug and USB. You can format the disk and save on it.

I'm not very techy on hardware, but it worked perfect for me. €48.99 in Maplin, not sure about elsewhere.

It is easily carried (6" X 4").

There is a switch on the front which I presume isolates it from surges.

Just thought I'ld share.
[broken link removed] are selling 250GB internal and external (USB 2.0) hard drives for €129 and €139 respectively nexst Monday.
The external Lidl has one of those €50 cases already so the 250Gb drive costs €89 extra . The drive appears in windows explorer with no extra software to be installed save on older windows 98 systems maybe you simply see a giant empty e or f drive and copy to that
tonka said:
The external Lidl has one of those €50 cases already so the 250Gb drive costs €89 extra .

Sounds useful - I might have to pick up one of these.

PS I used to have a cheap memory solution... but I forget where I put it. :D
has anyone got 2 external disks and had any problems copying from usb disk to usb disk?
Ive tried through 2 ports and and also through a hub on 2 different machines. If copying large amounts of data, the copy always crashes on me soon after starting. I have to copy to the laptops hard drive from one and then copy up to the other.
What do you mean by "the copy always crashes"? What error message(s) do you get?
Cant recollect the exact text as am in the office. It effectively loses the connection to 1 or both of the external disks with a quite serious looking windows error message. AFAIR Its something similar to what youd get if copying a file to or from a network and the connection dropped.
As I said tho, I dont have a problem if using the laptops hard drive as a staging area. Small files no problem, big copies (30-40gb+) it happens every time. So it should be easy enough to try and repro over the weekend.
OK - post the specific error message if you get a chance. It would be interesting to get to the bottom of that one.
Hi Bluespud, there was a software disc which I installed. I can't remember was I asked to (XP) though.