Just been offered a €2500 standard loan from BOI for 6.5% fixed off the reduced amount i.e repayments get lower the more you pay off......haven't looked around much yet but is this a good deal??
Check the Best Buys list for other offers - Most fixed rate loans are not flexible if you want to make extra repayments - Are you comfortable with this restriction?
Was told that I can make as many extra payments I wish without incurring any extra charges...the 6.5% interest will just be charged at the actual remaining amount of the load at the time.
Am interested in finding out more about this cheap loan and why they offered it to you !!. Are you a life-long customer ?, good credit history ? etc..
Am a customer of over 20 years with BOI and have always held a healthy balance and credit history, and would therefore like to negotiate this favourable loan rate too !!