Cheap, "cardboard"-like internal door wanted

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Hi there, we need to replace an internal bathroom door that's been knocked down by a genius who's unable to use a key.​

The previous door had an external structure which looked like "veneered" plywood, and the core was a zig-zag of cardboard ribbons. It looks very cheap, but in spite of having contacted many shops/door-makers we can't find one like it (or if we do they want to charge us a fortune 'cause it's a once off). I've even rang a bring-centre to see did they have one.

Any idea as to where I can get hold of such a magnificent piece of carpentry?

What you are looking for is a "hollow core, flush panel door with solid lippings"- the staple of the 70's housing boom! They don't really make them quite like that anymore and the nearest thing to it will certainly be substantially heavier and more robust.
Thanks for that, Carpenter. My problem is that we're just renting this place, the chap that wrecked the door is currently Down-Under (so we can't get any money off him), and apart from it being unfair to the owners to leave it like that, we don't want to put our own deposits on the line either.
Thanks for the correct "name" for that type of door, it'll be of help with my next round of phone calls. Do you know whether building suppliers only sell to trade? If not, it might be my next option.
Building materials suppliers will sell to anyone with money! You probably won't be able to get a cheap door delivered though so it's a job for the car trailer. Are you sure the door cannot be repaired with glue, screws and a coat of paint?
Pretty sure... it looks like the shark from Jaws had a go at it...

Thanks again for the info.
Hi PingPong,

Sorry I only just read your reply: I'm afraid not, we're based in Dublin.