cheap books


Registered User
I'm looking to get a collection of Jackie collins books for a friend going away...they dont have to be brand new(i dont think she would mind all that much) as i know she has read alot of the newish ones so its the older ones im looking for. So far i have checked Easons...which stock alot of the older ones but at about €15 a book and Chapters dont seem to have any in stock....can anyone recommend other places to try that would be at a more resonable price than Easons?


I'd imagine you can get them pretty cheap on [broken link removed] — though postage might be a bit pricey.
Time allowing you should look around for Jumble Sales/Bric a Brac sales or car boot sales. I got about 6 books recently at one of these and it was about €2 for the lot. Jackie Collins older books are usually amongst the piles.
If you're based in Dublin... Georges St. Arcade is very good for books. Also a new bookshop just opened on College Green beside Foxs might be a good place to try..
Any charity shop usually has a good stock of paperbacks ... at very reasonable prices ... worth a look. Try Oxfam, Mrs Green or WaWa.
thanks for all the replies...i tried all places mentioned and every second hand bookstore i could find but no luck...unusual as i thought those jackie collins books were everywhere!!! Anyhow i have got them on order with Chapters bookstore who dont charge an order fee and delivery times are faster than Easons(5-10 working days = easons 3-5 working days=Chapters)Price wise they are much of a much but a few of the books i ordered are about €4 cheaper than Easons again. So thanks again.