chased by dogs when walking


Registered User
Hi, When I try to go walking near my home I am regularly faced with dogs barking at me and sometimes even chasing me. I have heard that there is a small handheld device available that, when activated, emits a high pitched noise (inaudible by humans) that scares away dogs. I have heard that some Co. council employees are supplied with them but not sure if this is true. If this device does exist, does anyone know where I can buy one and also roughly how much it will cost?
Instead of treating the symptom would you not get to the root of the matter and call the dog warden about the dogs?
Instead of treating the symptom would you not get to the root of the matter and call the dog warden about the dogs?
When riding my motorcycle I was 'chased' onto the wrong side of the road by a lunatic dog. I reported it to the Council. Their reply was priceless. They wouldn't send out a warden because there was no dog listed on their Dog Licence records...

Silly me... I must have imagined it then?...

Should have phoned the Guards - an attack by a dog is considered an assault.
Wonder how much notice would have been taken if you'd run him down?
I had one of those devices. Absolutely and totally useless and ineffective.

I tried it on my own dog when he was resting and he came over to see what I was holding.

when i walk i always have a sturdy plant i mean stick. i find this company and useful if a dog seems threatening.
I would suggest that you buy a riding crop to carry when walking. I bought one recently for 7 or 8 Euros. They are very light and very effective. I use one when walking my two dogs as one of my dogs can be aggressive with other dogs particularly towards big dogs. As she is a small West Highland terrier who overestimates her ability I need to control her and also be ready to defend if necessary. Years ago when I used to ride a motorbike I used to be attacked by dogs at the entrance to the estate where I lived. They seemed to wait for me every day. Another biker advised me to slow down when I saw them, look for the obvious leader and then kick hard into the face with my boot. Did that , dog screeched, ran away followed by the rest of them. Never attacked again. Sounds worse than it was , I actually love dogs but think that they should be controlled and people should remember that to some people they are very frightening.
I have this problem when I walk my dog, I now carry a black thorn stick when walking the dog and other dogs tend to stay away.

Also, if you carry a childs water pistol and shoot at the dog .They hate being sprayed by water.
I agree with the water pistol line! Have used it successfully as they back off if you squirt it at all even just at the ground, they usually won't come near you. I have often growled too with great effect with a snarly little neighbours dog who quickly learned to run home when he saw me approach!! Try to approach them without exhibiting fear - difficult I know. If they sense you are afraid they will be more cheeky and intimadating.
if a cross dog suddenly appears and attacks you would need to be quick on the draw to get the water pistol out and squirt at him in the eyes. sturdy stick best bet in my view.
have used the control thing before and has worked no problem on most dogs but found that for some dogs it can make them more erratic. Got mine years ago from the US. I have the same problem when i'm out walking which is very annoying. I find thought that its not just walking past someone home where there is a dog but people who are out walking their own dogs without having them on leads. I have seen even a great dane, alsatian, red setter etc being left off leads in residential areas and some other dogs in graveyards which I think is totally disrespectful. Any remarks to owners stating they should be on leads are met either with being totally ignored or abused. I don't understand why people can't use those extendable leads! They still give the dog the same sense of freedom but then you can reel them in when you approach another person. Unfortunatley I have had to change my walking routes to feel somewhat safe.Have also had the pleasure recently of a neighbours dog standing in my driveway chasing and barking at anyone who leaves the house. Can't even get out of the house sometimes to complain to owner.