Charity Ideas


Registered User
A friend recently won €10,000 and wishes to give it to charity - specifically a cancer related charity. However, rather than simply giving it this person would like to use it to put together an event that will generate a lot more money. Perhaps a sporting event - maybe a sponsored walk/run? Open to ideas - would like to capture peoples imagination! Does anyone have experience in this area or how to make the most of this €10,000? This person has given themselves a timeframe of 6 months to put event together. Any advice welcomed.
Personally I would advise against setting up an event. With insurance etc the 10k would be easily swallowed with nothing to show for it. They would be better off investigating the best way to give the 10k to charity because with tax write offs etc, they could actually give more than 10k to the charity while only paying 10k.
the good ladies over at are putting on a charity ball in April in Citywest. they are supporting 2 or 3 charities.(ISANDS and the Laura Lynn Foundation) they are doing a fantastic job to get in special guests and special prizies for the night. your friend may be able to latch onto this.

check out the site to see who to contact.
more info here
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