Charity "Food Banks" seem to work in places like the UK & the US. Would it work here?


Registered User

I have recently come across a lot of information about food poverty.

In places like the UK and the US there seem to be "food banks" within reach of most communities and people in need being directed to these via GP's, schools etc.

After a bit of searching other than a central food bank in Dublin city centre and one in the process of being started in Limerick there doesnt seem to be any others.

I started thinking about my own area and searching the net and other than really putting your hand up and going to somewhere like SVdeP and saying I havent got enough to eat or feed my family what do people do?

I am thinking to speak to my local SVdeP/church/GP etc... to see if they have any information about a need for such a service but if anyone has any info on the topic I'd love to hear it.
