Charity Clothes Collections - Now requesting Cash Donations


Registered User
I got a leaflet in from "Care and Concern in Action (HMS)

There is a charity number - it does not say "registered " charity, an address and a NI phone number.

The leaflet is the usual, miss spellings, very vague, and tells you nothing about the charity.

However this change to the usual, as well as the request for clothes, they now include the following "roundsmen are not allowed to collection cash donations, but, if you wish to do so, then you may send donations to XXXX.(I have not given the address, but it would appear to be a residential housing estate address)

Is there anywhere I can report it, so that it can be verified. It is bad enough requesting clothes, but to actually request cash donations to be sent by post. I hate the thought of anyone sending cash to a charity where the credentials cannot be checked. Has anyone had experience of this charity recently.


I receive the same lealet about once a week. I doubt if they are legitimate. A quick google shows up the same question raised on and no sign of a home page or any other information.
I got a leaflet in from "Care and Concern in Action (HMS)

There is a charity number - it does not say "registered " charity, an address and a NI phone number.

The leaflet is the usual, miss spellings, very vague, and tells you nothing about the charity.

However this change to the usual, as well as the request for clothes, they now include the following "roundsmen are not allowed to collection cash donations, but, if you wish to do so, then you may send donations to XXXX.(I have not given the address, but it would appear to be a residential housing estate address)

Is there anywhere I can report it, so that it can be verified. It is bad enough requesting clothes, but to actually request cash donations to be sent by post. I hate the thought of anyone sending cash to a charity where the credentials cannot be checked. Has anyone had experience of this charity recently.



I would report it to your local Garda station.
according to an article in the one of the dundalk papers last week ( think it was the democrat), a spokesperson for oxfam stated that of the nine (9) collections made in the town in the past 2 months, one (1) was for a genuine charity.
i believe a lot of these clothes are dumped on the african market at next to nothing prices killing local producers
Here's a recent article in the Indo (may require registration) on the subject.

I also saw and ad in a local paper a week or so ago from a registered charity warning residents that people were collecting clothes and using their charity's name on their labels. They stated clearly that they had no connection to these people and they should be reported to the Gardai.

We've had 2 through the door in the past week - the vans are usually registered in the North.
There was an article on one of the papers recently about this. They seemed to point to a lot of the clothes you leave out in bags for charities are actually going to second hand clothes shops in Eastern Europe and could well be a lucrative trade. Clothes in some of these countries particularly children's clothes can be expensive. Cash donations now that's a cheek...
I think this should be outlawed. I feel sorry for legitimate charities who are competing against this type of "rag merchant"

I believe a lot of them are in NI because there is no register of charities there and you can just "tick" charity on your tax return.

Got another different one in last night.
I get these almost daily, and I gave up when I looked up first five or six notices were clearly fake. Some with no registration numbers, some with fake ones etc. Now I don't even bother reading the notices, but keeps the plastic bags - which I use to bring cloths to local cloth bring bank.

And oh, earlier this week someone put one of them in thru the door between 2AM (when I went to bed) and 530 AM (when I went out). Just as well I don't have a motion sensor alarm!