Charging VAT online to private individuals


Registered User
we are setting up a website that will sell to businesses (who are registered for VAT) and to private individuals (who are not registered)

do prices on our website have to exclude VAT???

if so, i know that we charge VAT to irish customers who are registered

however, i dont know what to do when it comes to selling to private individuals who are not registered

do we add VAT on for private individuals within ireland?
do we add VAT on for private individuals buying from EU?
do we add VAT on for private individuals buying outside EU?
if so, what rate of VAT do we chage, Irleands rate of VAT, or VAT from the country of the purchaser?

do we charge VAT to businesses outside of ireland?

if so, what rate of VAT do we chage, Irleands rate of VAT, or VAT from the country of the purchaser?

would appreciate any help on the above
thank you in advance
It's very simple really.

Anyone and everyone in Ireland pays VAT - unless they can produce a current VAT free authorisation form. Whether a business or individual is irrelevant.

Within the EU, anyone not registered for VAT must pay it - at the Irish rate. If they are registered, they must provide their VAT no. which you should check for authenticity and quote on all paperwork and VAT will be zero then.

Outside the EU, different commercial practices apply - customs, duty, import tax etc etc depends on the country.

As regards pricing on your site I would state that all items exclude VAT (+shipping if appropriate?) - customer will then know that they have to factor this in - or not as the case may be.
thanks a mil for prompt reply

what VAT rates apply if we were to sell to a private individual in the USA?
what VAT rates apply if we were to sell to a business in the USA?
what VAT rates apply if we were to sell to a private individual in the USA?
what VAT rates apply if we were to sell to a business in the USA?

Zero, unless very specific or unusual circumstances in relation to e.g. the company you are supplying. But other duties will apply - depends on the product etc.
thanks caveat
products are Safety Products and Clothing and Leisure Clothing
is there somewhere i can find about about duty etc?
I wouold be very loathe to advise someone about VAT in these circumstances outlined - I suggest you do need professional advice.

"Sorry Mr. Revenue Auditor, I did think I was following the advice correctly."

"Hmmmm ... where did you get the advice - can I see it?"


(this is not disparaging either the website or the advice, but there are so many tricky parts to do with VAT and issues you won't ever even think of, when it comes to VAT that you do need advice!)