Charging my Creative Zen V Plus


Registered User
My MP3 has a charging lead which has to be connected to a USB slot on a PC. This is a bit of a pain, especially if you are on the go. The connection to the player is exactly the same as the connection for my BlackBerry phone which can be charged either from a USB or, using a different charger lead, from the mains. I'm wondering if I could charge my MP3 player with the mains charging lead for my BlackBerry. A friend has warned me that I would risk 'freezing' my player as this happened to him when he tried to charge from an 'in car' cigarrette lighter socket.

Any advice ?

I bought a charger specifically for the Zen V plus through eBay. Not too expensive and better than freezing the player.

I had another MP3 player charger which had a similar connection but it didn't charge the Zen.
a friend recently told me that he uses Motorola (i think) phone charger to charge his creative zen nano, he said it works a treat.
Yeah. you should be careful. I f you use a charger that is supplying more current then is specified for your Creative, you could cause serious damage to it.

I have a Creative Zen Vision M and got a charger from EBAY. Creative originally supplied a manis charger with the player when it was released first but then discontinued this and just supplied the USB charger..... Bit of a rip off really! Anyways the one I got on ebay works great. Think it was about 20 euro and charges way faster then a USB connection
a friend recently told me that he uses Motorola (i think) phone charger to charge his creative zen nano, he said it works a treat.
I have one of those Motorola gives out 5V at 550mA. Is this what the Zen needs?
I'm not great at the technical stuff. I suppose what I need to know is whether the MP3 takes the same voltage as the BlackBerry. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I could find out, that would be useful. Alternatively, I suppose I could break out and buy the correct charger. Is there any shop in Dublin that could be relied on for advice on voltages ? I know Peats often get mentioned but I've come across some right twats there from time to time who pretend they know it all but don't.
I have one of those Motorola gives out 5V at 550mA. Is this what the Zen needs?

TBH I don't know, just passing on the little bit that I heard, personally I prrefer MP3 players that have a normal battery.