Charging credit card on Ebay with no account


Registered User

I took a credit card as security on an order from a customer. The staff member gave her personal card as security and said her boss would forward a cheque once goods received. Don't usually do this but they needed the goods urgently and it was for 72 euro only. I usually use paypal or cheque as payment types.

Anyway after about 8 phone calls, the girl I have been dealing with has apologised and said to charge her own card.

Only problem is I don't know how to do this on paypal. I don't have an email address for her although and can't find a link to show me how to do this.

Any ideas?
I think you need to get her to set up a paypal account and then pay your paypal account. You can only use her number if you have a merchant account afaik. Try the Ebay community boards theyre pretty nice over there and will prob tell you more than I can.
Thanks Bob,

I resent giving them the stuff for free so want to find some way to charge.

Will try ebay boards