Charged for soft-porn text messages


Registered User
I keep receiving text messages on my iPhone from something called GoGo Girls (which I certainly hadn't signed up for or downloaded!). Having checked my Three bill this morning, I was shocked to see that they'd charged me €14 for the privilege. I sent a 'stop' message but still the messages keep arriving.

Is it legal for them to do this? How can I stop it?
Thanks Sue Ellen. I'll do that immediately. From what I've read elsewhere, the phone companies won't take any action as they're benefiting from these 'services'.
Hi Pingin

Check out this Key Post Are you being charged for unwanted text messages?

I got hit by Zamano for Tarot Cards (they obviously knew their targets very well)

You should be able to stop them by texting "stop" to some number or other. Is this not working?

Keep a record of your sent text.

Find out who is providing them and write to them.

I got a refund of €100 without any hassle - well I had the hassle of requesting it.

How about forwading them to your TD to get them to take action to stop this?

Had this problem a few years ago. Got a runaround from a company who only "hosted2 the site they didn't own it and could only pass on messages Eventually Comreg sorted it out pretty quickly.