charged for online banking



Noticed that i was charged 20c for transfering money online to "bill pay" my visa bill with a.i.b..
Thought i was doing the bank a favour by not queueing up at the bank to do it.
Had problem previously in trying to move money online from my a.i.b. a/cs to my c.c. visa a/c. Told i`d have to set up a "bill pay" to do this_thought it odd at the time but now realise why.
ITS only a small charge but it`s annoying esp on top of their current a/c charge
Presumably the charges that apply to your account are detailed or referred to in the terms & conditions of the account agreement that you originally signed? If you want totally transaction free banking then there are several options out there. Check the [broken link removed] for example.
If you have a current account with AIB (with a debit card) and make at least one purchase transaction and at least one debit transaction using internet banking in each quarter then you should not have to pay transaction fees.
AIB charge 20c for every online transaction.

Unless AIB drop the requirement for a debit card for free banking, they are likely to lose my business. I see no reason to pay another load of stamp duty for a card I don't want or need. The only reason I'm still banking there is the SSIA requirement.
That the feeder account also be with AIB.

Then surely once your SSIA matures you can close your a/c? By the way the stamp duty for a joint Laser/ATM card is €20 as opposed to €10 for an ATM card. I presume you pay €10 for an ATM card? I wouldn't be without my Laser card - use it for all shopping, booking tickets online, flights etc.
That is the intention. I already have a credit card for online purchases. I don't want or need a laser card.
If you do ONE AIB Online/24Hour Banking and ONE Laser Transaction, you pay NO Fees. And even if a Fee appears on your Statement, if you scan down the page, you will see that the Fees debited, have been reversed back as a credit, into your account.
The whole point is that I don't have a laser card, and don't want one. Other banks don't insist on a debit card to get fee free banking. Why does AIB?
Thanks for the very helpful comment. I know it's their prerogative, I was just wondering whether anyone had a useful suggestion why they adopted this policy.
Stamp Duty on the AIB ATM/Laser is €20 and typically you might sprend €100 in Bank charges in the year (I used to) so it's still a saving....
Thanks for the very helpful comment. I know it's their prerogative, I was just wondering whether anyone had a useful suggestion why they adopted this policy.
To be honest, CM gave the true answer, because they can! Our second guessing on why they chose to do it is nothing other than speculation.

For your own benefit, one possible reason is for customer retention.

They may well have introduced it for totally different reasons. But it's one possibility.