charge from "" Fraud??


Registered User
They are banking with Permanent TSB. Last wk they tried to get into their banking app and it said it needed updating so they couldn't get in. They rang their usual contact number who took no personal details just advised them to uninstall and reinstall and update app as needed updating since day before. They had no idea how to do this so didn't bother.
I sent them a screenshot of how to get into Google play, search and download the app. They did. They told me they entered all their cr card details but couldn't get into app???
Anyway they also received a corresponding text message saying that there was unusual activity on credit card and to confirm y/n (the usual msg that you receive when something unusual occurs on ac) of a charge of approx €47 from

I've googled but none the wiser.
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That sounds like a scam alright. Follow above advice. Tech can be frightening for some folk and quite stressful. They probably don't mean to be grumpy when people are only trying to help them. They don't understand how wary they need to be of banking online or entering personal data.
Yes it does. I've no idea how they managed to put in their cr card details just by trying to download an app. I might get more info 2m eve but they haven't a notion what they did.
Anyway the text msg looks like all other messages (as the fraud ones can do) should they send N for no I do not recognise this transaction. It's strange it says the amount? I'm with a diff bank.
My credit card got hacked last week. Bank sent me the y/n text message, also with the amount in the text message. I replied N and they froze my card.