Chapelizod-flooding an issue?


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone would know anything about flooding risk in the Chapelizod/Islandbridge area? Also is there any major problems with rats in the area?
Hi Howitzer,
Yes, The Island and then Bellvue in Islandbridge.
Any opinion gratefully received.
Well technically both are on the Liffey flood plain but since the Leixlip Dam was built way back when flooding hasn't been an issue downstream of it (Ringsend et all were flooded by storm surges, not the liffey).

I've seen the occiasional rat in Chapelizod but this is to be expected at any riverside location, you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Pretend they're big voles/mice and they don't seem so bad. I wouldn't touch a ground floor apt in either location because of this, but like I said this is to be expected and I'd be loath to touch a ground floor apt by any riverside location. It's a clean stretch of water but rivers = rats.
Thanks for that information. I had been trying to source info from the council but no joy.
Re the rats etc, have to expect a few in such a location.

I've lived in that area for 3 years and have never seen a rat.

I have only passed by there a number of times on the bus and I have notice rats around the river. Rats the size of cats, not a place for kids to be out playing nor would I fancy drinking bottles of beer by the neck in the pub by the river. Cellar has to have a few residents.
Only passing however
Dont know about the rats but that area is not in any real danger of flooding. As stated above Lexlip dam controls all water flowing from Leixlip. I have never seen the Liffey in any danger of flooding at this point even in the heaviest of flows
bottom of Knockmaroon flodds all the time to the height of a single storey building
they should never have gotten permision for those apartments - they are basically in the river
cerberos said:
bottom of Knockmaroon flodds all the time to the height of a single storey building
they should never have gotten permision for those apartments - they are basically in the river

You are talking absolute rubbish. I have lived in this area for 15 years and have never seen flooding to the height of a single storey building. The worst i have seen is the road flooded with a couple of inches of water.