Changing to a New Business Sector


Registered User
So after a decade of being a sole trader, and currently more or less stony broke with a rather colourful ICB record, I'm thinking of going into a different business sector. Hopefully without borrowing too much more money.

Feeling excited but also have a sense of trepidation.

Am I mad. ?
Just on the verge of going working PAYE working in a different business sector.
For the moment PAYE might suit me much better than self employed status.
I've done a projected daily budget and i hope to be able to meet all my bills and commitments better than i have been able to in a long time.
Depends on the sector you're going to change to. If its construction, it might be a tough road for another few years but an experienced computer programmer should have no issue finding work.
Made the jump to PAYE employment. Nothing too glamorous or well paid. Still have outstanding bits and pieces with Revenue but gradually getting sorted.

I've being keeping a budgeting notebook (on paper)since I went PAYE and I hope to put everything into excel to examine my outgoings.

It's great having a guaranteed income coming in every week and my tax paid !
