Changing phone company


Registered User
I want to change phone company, does anyone have any suggestions as to which one is any good. I can't get Perlico to send me a bill, TalkTalk are slow to get back to me, is that the end of my choice??
I'm with UTV too - the free calls off peak to landlines in Ireland and UK is great.
BT might be worth looking at too.
also with problems...gonna take a look at BT soon as I heard for same or less money than UTV you can get free calls during the day
Have you had a look at to compare charges?

I looked at this site today, to see if my BT package is good value (or specifcally, good enough to recommend to my Mum!). The site is not bad, but it doesn't appear to show the contention ratio or to highlight the fact that you need to change your phone number for their phone & bb package.

This would be a big inconvenience in my case but would undoubtably be a showstopper for her as there are numerous people who have the current number, as it has not changed (apart from a leading digit) in 20 years.

I concluded that I am going to stick with BT for now.

Update: according to this list of BB suppliers, you are supposed to be able to switch service providers without changing your phone line, but it is not a smooth process. If you are not with eircom, for example, you have to switch back to eircom, lose your broadband, and then wait to be connected to your new service provider. One step forward, two steps back...

Has anyone else noticed though that the service is bit iffy of late - with periods of no connection or very long page loads?