Changing names on my mortgage..



Need advice on my mortgage help! I want to remove my ex-boyfriends name of my current mortgage. He wants the same & nothing from it. We broke up 4 years ago now & want to get things sorted.I paid all the deposit & all installments so far.I have been in contact with my solicitor but it seems to be taking ages.. i dunno if this is because he lives in the Czech Republic or its the solicitor.
What process do we have to go through? Would it make a difference if he came back here to work it out or i go over to his homeplace?
Is there much signing on his behalf also? Any advicer greatly appreciated.

What is your solicitors actually saying is the delay?

Have you already gotten your banks consent to removing your ex's name? Have they notified your solicitor of their requirements?

That normally takes the longest.

The actual legal procedure is quiet straight forward - your solicitor would need you deeds - have you and you ex signed an authority authorising your solicitors to take them up form the bank?

You ex will need to sign documents - they coud be sent to him in Czech - but he'll need to see a lawyer there.