Changing jobs at end of year - P60


Registered User
If an employee changes jobs on, say, January 1st should s/he get both a P45 and a P60 from the former employer or does the new employer issue the P60?
Oops - should've checked first!

P60 & backdated P45

Is the reverse true ie Is the issue of a P60 an admission that an employee is still in that employers employment? This may be relevant in my own dispute(to be heard by the EAT) with my previous employer.(He is claiming that I went AWOL but I am claiming that I was never dismissed by the company & had never been issued with a P45.My employer then issued me with a backdated P45.However ,I have a P60 from him,issued a few months after the date on the P45 that may prove that he "backdated" the P45)
Re: P60 & backdated P45

Is the issue of a P60 an admission that an employee is still in that employers employment?

I would have assumed that it was good evidence that the employee was employed at least until December 31st of the year in question, whatever about after that date.

My employer then issued me with a backdated P45.However ,I have a P60 from him,issued a few months after the date on the P45 that may prove that he "backdated" the P45)

Sounds odd all right. Be careful of divulging too much information here in just in case it jeopardises or otherwise adversely affects your case! (Unlikely but you never know).

Funnily enough I am in an odd situation myself right now - the last remaining executive director of the company has resigned, he and the other non executive director are not actively involved in the company (they have "resigned" as directors to each other although they cannot file B10s to get out of this position since a company requires at least two directors and there are no other people who are willing to do this), the investors have taken a more hands on role in terms of the management of the company (albeit "remotely"), the remaining staff are somewhat in the dark about things, and the investors have verbally guaranteed wages only until the end of December which, as far as I know, means that the staff are effectively on protective notice even if a request for formal notification of this yielded no response. Fun and games, eh? Not surprisingly I plan to hand in my resignation on Monday and inform them (the investors presumably since there is no other "management" to whom I can resign now!) that I will not be available beyond the end of this month (or earlier depending on the line they take on holidays accrued but not taken to date). Thankfully I have something else lined up which promises much better terms & conditions and stability!