Changing from one Architect to another


Registered User
Hi all,
I retained an architect to do plans for an extension. These plans have been submitted for permission and the architect has been paid (over €4k) . I have now decided, for various reasons, to get another architect to do some plans for the same project. This other architect has requested that I ask for the CAD drawings from the original architect.

I'm just wondering if this is the norm when clients change architects? I am sadly not knowledgable about various computer formats etc. so pdf and other types of files mean nothing to me!
Thanks for any help/advice.
yeah, I read through this thread earlier today but there seem to be conflicting opinions amongst the posters - some of whom are architects I think. There is the opinion that the client has paid for a job and is entitled to the drawings. there is another opinion that there is some form of copyright. I'm confused.

Is the request for the CAD plan to save time do you think? I have paper copies of all the items submitted to the planning dept, and of course, they are available to view online.

What, exactly, would be the benefit of the CAD plan for the other arch? Excuse my ignorance!
What, exactly, would be the benefit of the CAD plan for the other arch?
Architect 2 wouldn't have to draw the plans, section or elevations of the existing house. No need to redraw the Site Plan. Plain and simple - less time involved if they get the CAD drawing.

2 simple questions :
  1. Architect 2 has all the info on paper so why doesn't he / she redraw them?
  2. If you get the CAD drawings and theres a mistake on the survey of the existing house, carried out by Architect 1. If this error or mistake results in a design error by Architect 2 - then who is responsible for the design mistake?
Thanks for your reply RKQ.
In reply to question 1 - I don't know - that's what I presumed he would do.
Regarding question 2, I did say to Architect 2 to base their plan on the original survey and that if we were going to go further than plan stage with them that obviously they would do their own survey which they were recommending anyway. I don't want them wasting hours doing a survey if we don't 'click'.
I just feel a bit awkward asking Arch 1 for something if it's not entirely necessary.

Many thanks
I just feel a bit awkward asking Arch 1 for something if it's not entirely necessary.
You are very welcome.
As Architect 2 has all the prints and planning drawings on paper, there is no need for the CAD drawings. ( They should carry out their own survey or check Architect 1 survey drawings, if you both "Click").

I understand why you would feel awkward. I hired a Chef to make me a beautiful chocolate cake with icying figures. It was made to my design, the figures were very funny. I loved the cake. It also tasted great. I paid the Chief in full.

Now I designed the cake, specified the type, shape & size of the figures, the Chief made my cake to their recipe - am I now entitled to the Chief's recipe?

I have bought many albums, I own each copy of the album but I do not own the "Master Tape" nor do I have any right to the Artists work, words, lyrics, or notes etc.