Changed Solicitor - Charged fees?


Registered User
I have changed solictior. Also changing mortgage lender. New solicitor is cheaper and provided a better service.

Documentation had to be transferred form old solicitor to new.

Old solicitor charged €155 for this. Called it "Archive Search/scrivenery etc."

Is this normal practice when changing solicitors?

This seems a very high fee just to send documents to new solicitor.

Is there a set procedure that allows clients to move from one solicitor to another?
"Documentation had to be transferred form old solicitor to new."

So they did do something? Clients are free to move to new solicitors whenever they want. If there is no current work being done, there is no reason for the old solicitor to be advised at all. If there is a file to be transferred, it is normal to expect to pay the old solicitor for the costs of so doing.

I do not regard 155 as a very high fee.
