Change our voting system?


Registered User
Can anyone else see how the PR system is NOT working for us?
The British first-past the post system is deeply flawed as well.

The form of PR we use in Ireland has created a dominance of the mediocre.
The multi-seat constituency, combined with the single transferable vote has created a situation where we don’t elect parliamentarians.

We instead end up with County councillors with no vision.And those who care more about some farmer’s planning permission, or getting a pothole filled attending funerals etc than they do about the economy / national infrastructure/ transport/ education and the national good...
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I've been posting the same thing here for years. FG had good proposals on this a while ago.
The electoral system is only half the problem; we need to separate the executive from the legislature.
Perhaps we should have a system where we can give the jobs to people successful in business. So from 1995 to 2007 we would have been governed by Sean Fitzpatrick, Bernard McNamara, Fingers etc and some of the Tribunal boyos.

Be careful what you wish for
Perhaps we should have a system where we can give the jobs to people successful in business. So from 1995 to 2007 we would have been governed by Sean Fitzpatrick, Bernard McNamara, Fingers etc and some of the Tribunal boyos.

Be careful what you wish for

That's not what I would wish for.
Just finished a novel where the democratic system was as follows:

1. Everyone educated to best they can be.
2. Lottery for positions in government. Truly random selection.
3. If an individual wants a position of power, they are excluded.
4. The masses vote on important decisions.

Sounds infinitely better than what we have at the moment. Then again, anything would sound infinitely better than dire irish 'democracy'.

So from 1995 to 2007 we would have been governed by Sean Fitzpatrick, Bernard McNamara, Fingers etc and some of the Tribunal boyos.
Add the unions in there, and isn't that pretty much what we had?