change of use of a premises- planning application?


Registered User
Looking at a premises for a business, it had been operating as a gym and I would be hoping to use it as a retail/service premises. Do I need to apply for planning permission for change of use or can I just work away?
perhaps this would be better in the planning section (just realised there is a section for it) but just wondered if anyone setting up a business had any experience in this.I just rang the county council planning office and was told if there is a change in use I need to apply for planning, can take from 8- 12 weeks and I would need to pay the fee for the planning application along with a fee for development contributions, water sewerage, road, recreation and community .This latter amount could be as high as €6100 and is separate from rates fees. Wasn't expecting such a fee, anyone else any experience of change of use with regard to planning?