Change of House Plan


Registered User
I am int he process of buying a site with FPP. However, the house plan for which PP has been given is not to my liking and I am engaging an architect to draw up plans of similar dimensions but more in the style I require.
Was wondering how long this process takes assuming that the planners do not have a problem with the new design?

Lucret, how acceptable would it be to go ahead building the "new" house and apply for retention rather than going the formal planning route before starting the build??

Hi Mickeyg, having been through the planning process myself I don't think a planner would look upon building without PP favourably at all! Retention might take even longer. You are better off getting the FPP for the house you want. If you have a engineer signing off on the stages they will want to see the FPP before they take on the job also.