Change of Hotel


Registered User
Just received a phone call to tell me that the hotel I booked on line 6 weeks ago in Majorca should not have accepted my booking as there is no room. I was given a few hotels to choose from or an offer of a refund Haven't decided what to do yet as had my heart set on this particular Hotel as a special treat. Flights were booked seperately so Should I just hope for the best and accept one of the new offers.? Heading next Monday.
Hi Clare,

If you have a look at reviews on you might come up with something close on your list of available hotels.

It looks as if you don't have any other option in light of the fact that you booked the flights separately. Its poor form though that they left it so late to get back to you and surely they should have known this at time of booking. Can your preferred hotel put you on cancellation list? Have you tried ringing the hotel direct and see what they have to say.
Look on the positive. At least they told you before you got there. Booked a trip for my parents to Dubai last year for a special occasion. When they arrived at the hotel at 3.00am they were told they had no room for them because of a large conference booking despite the fact that we had gotten confirmation and they charged us 4 months beforehand. They kicked up enough fuss to get a room and an upgrade to a suite the following day. Sort it out now and enjoy the trip.