Change Estate Agent?


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Just looking for a bit of advice. We're selling our apartment and they've been selling for 260k - 265K, at the start I told the Estate Agent that we couldn't sell for any less than 265k and as one had just sold for that he didn't see it as a problem. We were told by two estate agents that our apartment would sell very quickly. The stop for the Luas is outside our Estate, it's a lovely quiet estate, our apartment has been well maintained and as it's a corner one so every room has windows and is very bright (except bathroom/ensuite). We put it on the Market in May/June and we got an offer of €250K, I told the EA that as I had said we didn't want to sell for less than €265K we didn't accept. At the end of June we went on holidays and I talked to the EA about viewings over the time we were away. That was the last time I talked to him!! I get emails from the office about arranging viewings but nothing from him. The last time I said that I would appreciate some feedback from all the other viewings and she said she'd pass on my message. Since then another guy from the same EA had a viewing and he rang me after to tell me about it. My partner was approached by someone he knew who wanted to to view it and he ended up offering us €255K which we refused, we did offer to knock the price of the EA commission so there isn't too big of a gap to bridge. However he hasn't been back to increase his offer.

My question is should I move EA, I think it's a bit much to not hear from him for 2 1/2 months about at least 7 viewings. I also think that the apartment should have sold by now or at least had another offer. TIA
A word of warning. If you have a current contract with an EA, no matter who sells the house, you will be liable for their fees. If you terminate the contract, you may find yourself liable for the costs incurred to date, photos, advertising, viewings, etc. Tread carefully.
Hey Caz,

The summer is a bit of a quiet time but in my opinion there is no excuse for the agent not to call you for that long. They will be struggling to sell it and embarrassed to call you (it happens to all agents, you have to force yourself to call the client even if it's bad news or no news). That said, it really shouldn't be that quiet. Apartments have been selling well this year and even over the summer. And that's a fair price for something on the LUAS (you don't say which LUAS tho!).

RE: moving agent. You are perfectly within your rights to move but check your contract (assuming you signed one - you should have, it's the law and it's your agents fault if you weren't given one). All agent contracts are standardised by the PSRA now. Clause 5 outlines 'Duration of Agreement' - most agents put in 6 months where you are locked in to them. But in reality these are flimsy contracts and you can give usually 7 days notice to end it. They only way they come back at you is if they introduce the eventual purchaser (but by the sound of them that sounds highly unlikely).

The only other thing is if you paid marketing expenses upfront or will be charged them if you quit. Unfortunately if you did that's a sunk cost now. Let it go and now sign up with an agent that doesn't charge marketing fees. Don't stick with a agent you don't trust or respect any more - it's always worth switching.
Perhaps the price is around the 250-255 range, and the EA knows that. Bad form that they are not contacting you of course. However they may realise/judge that the 250/255 is the upper range and if you need 265 they are not prioritising you, on the basis they feel its not achievable.

Is 5-10 grand really that critical in the contest of a 250/260 sale? How badly do you want to sell, as you are very close to your number? Do you have a mortgage? 250 grand at 4% interest rate gives an interest cost of 5 grand every six months. Worth factoring that into your decision also, the longer you hold the more interest you pay so if ultimately you sell at 250/255 it may have cost you another 5-10 grand in interest payments.
Thanks for the feedback. My apartment is on the green luas line. There is one other apartment up for sale in the estate and I just rang and there's an offer of €257,500 (which they haven't accepted) on it. I'm on a very low tracker so the interest I'm accumulating isn't that much, in fact the mortgage is reducing by way more than the interest. Yes the 5 - 10 grand is crucial. There are marketing costs but I haven't paid them yet. I accept that I'd have to pay them if I moved. I did look at the contract and once the buyer hasn't been introduced by the Estate Agent then I don't have to pay fees. There is no way they could feel indignant about moving from them since they haven't been in contact. I'd even fight them on the marketing fees due to their poor service. The thoughts of having to go through the photos again is enough to put me off!!
I can't think of much on the Green Luas line that's not selling for that price. I sold two up in the back end of Belarmine for €265 and €285 in the last two months.

What do you mean having to go through the photos? Having to vet the agent's photos? That shouldn't have to be done by you but it's surprising how often I hear they've screwed that up.

Tell them your not paying the marketing fees. They didn't do their job (to sell the property). Online ads don't cost the agent anything per property so don't let them con you on that. Signboards don't cost anything either or are reusable. I doubt they marketed you in the paper or anything so there really are no costs they need to charge you for.

Make sure your next agent doesn't charge any marketing and is "No Sale, No Charge".

PM me if you would like a recommendation.
Thanks for the tips, no not vet them just have them taken again. There was no signboards used. I'd love a recommendation, can you PM me. Thanks