Chain Bread:chain type letter which came in the form of a recipe.


Registered User
Has anyone heard of this one?

Someone I know recently got a chain type letter which came in the form of a recipe (with some connection to Padre Pio) whereby they had to bake 10 loaves and pass them (including the recipe) onto to ten other persons or else suffer the proverbial bad luck that is always included in this rubbish.

Who starts this lark that preys on peoples fears. Even more sinister that they have moved onto recipes!!!! Whatever next.
Who starts this lark that preys on peoples fears. Even more sinister that they have moved onto recipes!!!! Whatever next.

I've always deleted these emails but at least the people who take heed of these silly chain get to do something useful and might even find the process of baking relaxing.
I always thought that relics comprising bits of skin or bone of your favourite martyr were more sinister myself.

Same here. But then again if they couldn't use their superpowers (or whatever they are) to help themselves when they were alive when what good will their toenail clipping (or whatever) be when they are dead.
Same here. But then again if they couldn't use their superpowers (or whatever they are) to help themselves when they were alive when what good will their toenail clipping (or whatever) be when they are dead.

Probably none for those who do not subscribe to the saint/martyr beliefs. For those who do they may get some comfort/solace in their beliefs at times of need. Then again, in the cases of any such lives as portrayed, did they not appear to spend their efforts helping others rather than themselves anyway.

Regards the OP, I never send on these things, just delete them.
Same here. But then again if they couldn't use their superpowers (or whatever they are) to help themselves when they were alive when what good will their toenail clipping (or whatever) be when they are dead.
As a stressed out teenager many moons ago I used to bite (and eat) my nails. During theraphy for same my, er, shrink advised me to keep some toenail clippings in an ashtray by the bed. These would give me solace if I awoke during the dark hours and was unable to extricate my fingers from their mummy-like bandages. Incidentally, I have long since foregone my suicidal cannibalistic tendencies.