What's the status with adding top ups in the calculation of CGT. Can you add the top up costs to the orginal cost of a investment house when working out the gain for CGT purposes when selling the house.
Example Cost of House - 180k + topups 60k = 240k less 360k sale value = 120k CGT at 20% anybody know?
What's the status with adding top ups in the calculation of CGT. Can you add the top up costs to the orginal cost of a investment house when working out the gain for CGT purposes when selling the house.
Loans outstanting when you sell have nothing to do with the CGT calculations! The capital gain is the disposal price less the acquisition price (possibly indexed for inflation) plus any renovation costs if applicable, less any allowable expenses less your annual CGT allowance etc. The fact that there may be a loan outstanding that needs to be repaid is irrelevant here.