CGT on STG shares with currency gains/losses


Registered User
I'm thinking of purchasing £10,000 STG worth of shares as a long term hold and just wondering how currency impacts are accounted for taxing gains/losses? Eg:

If I bought £10k today, it would cost me €11743 at todays rates (1.17). If I sold in the future at £12k and STG had also strengthened in the meantime to 1.25, am I liable for CGT on currency movement as well as the 2k gain on the investment?
on a related point, i opened a US dollar account in 2012 and bought the dollars with euros. I have made a sizeable gain in currency terms, however I only recently closed this account and invested the money in shares and investment trusts. I bought half directly with dollars and transferred half into sterling to buy investment trusts. When is the gain on the currency payable as I never converted back to euros. I presume maybe from the date I bought the investments this year?