CGT on Primary Residence?



I am currently selling my primary residence in Ireland. As I understand it I will not be liable for CGT as I have lived in this property since I purchased it 4 years ago. However, I am planning on moving to Finland next month to live.

Does anyone know if I will be liable to CGT in Finland. There is a double taxation agreement between both countries, I believe, so will this cover me?
If you move to Finland on a permanent basis you will resident in Finland for tax purposes. Whatever Finland does for CGT will apply to you. Ireland does not come into it.

The issue of Irish tax simply hinges on your intentions.

Ireland and UK have the notion of 'world wide income' but this applies when you are 'resident' or 'ordinarily resident'. If you are going permanently, you will be no longer resident here for tax purposes.

Err.. is that ok?