Ok folks, after reading through a pile of documentation my situation gets more complicated.
So, this is a question about CAT and its relationship with CGT.
I should say that I am not being lazy by posting on here, I have tried to decipher the Irish Revenue website but it is one of the most incomprehensible technical explanations I have ever had the misfortune to read.
As I said in the original post, my parents gifted me the property back in 2015.
They paid the CAT on my behalf. In fact they were beneath the CAT threshold at the time (225k) and had an unused portion of it (about 40k).
When they gifted me the property they retained non-exclusive rights of residence that would cease on their death.
So where am I now with CAT - did I need to pay the IR anything? Did I need to notify them that the right of residence had ceased?
Does this affect the amount of CGT I could pay if I dispose of the property?
So many questions, for which I apologise.
But this is like wading through treacle.