I bought 10 shares of TSLA at 200 EUR with sold all at 250 EUR and paid 1 EUR broker fee at both buying and selling. Gain is 2500 -2000 = 500 EUR. However if we account broker fee gain is 498 EUR, [buy (2001) - sell(2499) = 498 EUR].
In this case, do I need to calculate 33% CGT on 500 or 498?
Hey there, I'm building a tool that helps you calculate your CGT if you'd like to try it out for free? In your case its a very simple calculation, but happy to provide you with free access if you'd like to test it out so you can get a clearer understanding of your CGT calculation/
Surely you mean €2,500 - €2,000 - €2 = €498?
And then, as mentioned above, there's the annual personal CGT exemption of €1,270 assuming that it hasn't been already used up.