CGT and exchange rates


Registered User
I recently sold the last of my vested shares granted by employer over the years as yearly enumeration.

On 2nd July, 7104.81 EUR was deposited into my current account.

5268 USD of that 7744 USD is liable for CGT and I can't figure out the exchange rate that was used.

According to this website, the exchange rate on June 27th should have seen 7251.09 eur arrive in my account instead of 7,104.81 so I'm missing around 150 eur,

Maybe the broker was putting a sneaky markup on the exchange rates.

Problem is, if I dont know the exchange rate, how to figure out the amount to pay CGT on? The broker said its 5268 USD gain (the shares were granted at a very low price and grew). So do I play safe and pay the CGT on 5268 USD converted to EUR using the exchange rate of June 27th?
Well you got 7,744.44 USD before conversion and 7,104.81 EUR after conversion. So divide EUR over US and you get 0.9174 rate. Now you know the rate, convert the 5,268 USD with the rate you got.

If you convert using the rate from Wise, you'd be losing out. I can't see why you need to play it safe that way considering that the actual rate you got is giving you less in EUR and you have paper trail to back it up.
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Thanks! I resorted to sticking the figures into chatgpt and it came up with the same figures as yourself:-