Cervical cancer vaccine

Yet it's €250 in Australia? So who's making the massive profit; the drug company, the pharmacist or the doctor (or is it all three)?
The cost of a nurse giving an injection should be no more than €20. The doctor will need to talk to the parent for a few minutes before the first shot so I guess that's €50-€60 (easy money!). That's €110-€120 plus the vaccine... so what's the cost of the vaccine and why can't the HSE buy directly from the drug company instead of giving a big margin to the pharmacists?

This is our money, why do we not care how it’s spent.
What can we do about it on a constructive basis?

We could mount a petition in all local schools. We could write to our local representatives. Write letters to newspapers. We could address the matter to the FF councillors who will be calling to our doors looking for council votes in the near future.

Maybe we could do one of those generic letters where people just have to print it off and send to Mary Harney/Dept ?

Why don't we write to the pharmaceutical supplier and ask qs about the cost?

Before anyone says 'nappies' I am serious.
On July 17, 2007, France issued a directive[55] authorizing state-aided voluntary vaccination for girls aged 14–23 years who have not yet become sexually active, or have been sexually active for less than a year. The state refunds 65% of the cost, based on a program of 3 vaccinations at €135 (slightly less than $200) per shot, meaning that the patient covers €141.75 (slightly more than $200).

I guess looking at the above prices from July 2007 and taking medical drug inflation into account, it is feasible (though hard to believe) that it would cost close to €200 per shot right now.

Actually after looking at it a bit more it seems like it costs something like €500 in Germany and yet only seems to cost €270 in the US so I have no idea how drug pricing works!!

Of course they have a patent. The two vaccines are not two versions of the same thing - they are different in the viruses they cover. Bulk buying would be cheaper, but each of the options is, indeed, both patented and a monopoly.

These are new drugs, with an enormous amount of research, development and clinical trials behind the. Of course they are going to be expensive.
How is that a valid point ?

Let's get rid of drug treatment centres, Suicide helplines, free legal aid for those convicted, etc.etc.

Because that is the age group targeted and the vaccine is to prevent cervical cancer caused by stis as I'm aware, but Orka made a valid point to counter my own thinking on the matter. I'm not altogether sure where the rest of your posts comes from or is aimed at, maybe you could explain.
Just because it's illegal doesn't mean that there is no purpose in dealing with it. Sexual activity can happen earlier than is planned by people, and the immunisation of young girls will not make them have sex, but may prevent cervical cancer in later life. The age of consent is irrelevant.

The drugs are interchangeable. Both Cerverix and Gardsail protect against the two main cervical cancer strains. Some Countries have chosen Cerverix and others have chosen Gardsail.

Ans the amount spent on R&D doesn't explain why it is alot cheaper in Australia and the US than Europe.
The pharma companies price drugs differently for all countries, for example a drug sold in a developing country in Africa will be alot cheaper than a drug sold in a developed country like the USA.
The pharma companies price drugs differently for all countries, for example a drug sold in a developing country in Africa will be alot cheaper than a drug sold in a developed country like the USA.

I think there are alot of people who will disagree about drugs been cheap in Africa.
I think there are alot of people who will disagree about drugs been cheap in Africa.

In fairness most of the major drug companies have, due mainly to massive pressure from Goerge W Bush, lowered their prices across Africa to a level that would be unsustainable if applied world wide.

The fact that the President of South Africa is a clown and doesn’t seem to mind that his country is over run by AIDS is not the fault of the drug companies.

I agree. George Bush does deserves great credit for this. Its unfortunate that it will probably be forgotten due to everything else.

My point was that 12 year olds are the target age, and Mary Harney said that the vaccine will come into effect just not next year so I don't see the immediate need, that was until orka explained the reason for the age.
The drugs are interchangeable. Both Cerverix and Gardsail protect against the two main cervical cancer strains.

Gardasil also protects against the genital warts virus. Similar protection from Cervical cancer as Cervarix. So there is a choice to be made; they are not the same drug with different brand names.
Gardasil also protects against the genital warts virus. Similar protection from Cervical cancer as Cervarix. So there is a choice to be made; they are not the same drug with different brand names.

I never said they were but both protect against cervical cancer which is what we want to do so it is possible for the Government to get a competitive quote from two drug makers for two drugs that would fit the purpose. So as I said before it is not as if one drugs company has a monopoly on a cervical cancer vacine.
I thought the vaccine was a good idea but however can see the reasons for scrapping it. As cervical cancer is actually caused by HPV why not give out free condoms instead as they do england? It's no b**dy wonder teenagers in particular don't bother with contraception as it is extremely expensive here, mine costs 21 euro a month as I cannot use the pill while my friend who lives in london gets everything free ! This would be a lot cheaper than the vaccine.
that would work if condoms actually prevented the spread of HPV!

Apparently you are 70% less likely to catch it if you use condoms EVERY time you have sex. It can be caught from non penetrative contact of genitals too and from parts of genitals that would not be covered by a condom (i.e. testicals). I don't think the free condoms thing necessarily works in the UK they have high rates of teenage pregnancy and also have abortion. It is all about education and prevention. I mean people wouldnt catch the flu if everyone washed their hands and covered their mouths when sneezing / coughing but we have a flu vaccine.

edit:Also do they not give the vaccine for free in the UK?
Just reading that Jade Goody's cervical cancer has spread to her liver bowels and groin and any treatment will only prolong her life and not save it, will this bring renewed debate?
Just reading that Jade Goody's cervical cancer has spread to her liver bowels and groin and any treatment will only prolong her life and not save it, will this bring renewed debate?

To the cancelation of vacine or living your cancer through the media.

While i have nothing but support for those who have cancer. I feel that Jade will try to make money from all parts of her life, good or bad.

(sorry i know i'll get a backlase for this )

To cancel it because we can't afford 10 million is rubbish. I'll give 1% of my wages if it goes direct to pay for it !
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i mean the vaccine,sure we are borrowing 55 million a day who will notice if we make it 65 one day?