As regards cert of income, I just got a letter from my employer and that did the job.
I was pretty sure that c. 10 years ago I got AIP from more than one lender without any certificate of income and only needed this when going with the lender that I chose in the end but it's a long time ago and I could have been mistaken...hi Clubman, salary certs are required for the AIP stage which is one of the major stages of obtaining a mortgage - hope I'm not stating the obvious here but anyway.
I was pretty sure that c. 10 years ago I got AIP from more than one lender without any certificate of income and only needed this when going with the lender that I chose in the end but it's a long time ago and I could have been mistaken...
With the exception of the EBS and BoS - both of whom require their own certs to be completed - lenders will accept a generic brokers salary certificate or employers letter as long as it contains the following information;
1. Company name, address and telephone number.
2. Employees name, job title and length of service.
3. Basic salary and any additional income (bonus, overtime, etc and whether it is guaranteed, regular or irregular).
4. Confirmation that the posistion is permanent and that any probationary period has been completed.
The letter must be stamped and signed on behalf of the employer.