Cert of car ownership, advice needed


Registered User
My car was broken in to recently. Without getting in to all the details, I'm not driving at the moment, so it's at my family home (I'm not living there). I was recently told by a family member (I'm not home often) that it had been broken in to, and I went to the Guards today to get more information.

It turns out that I wasn't told the full truth of what happened, and that a family member living in the family home is now legally registered as the owner of MY car - i.e., that's the 'owner' per the Department of Motor Vehicles in Shannon, what the Guards have on file per them, and the 'injured party' in terms of what has happened with the car.

I'm not looking for legal advice here, just advice, as I don't have a clue what to do.

My car has obviously been re-registered to the family member in question, the form allowing this having been faked, for lack of a better word, as I wasn't asked to do this, I wouldn't, nor did I.

Who's the best person to contact to sort this? The gGuards? The
Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division in Shannon? A lawyer?
I'd be so grateful for any advice. Thanks so much.
Yep, that's fraud, the Gardai are the correct authority. Are you on speaking terms with this family member and have you approached them on this matter?