Cert for old AIB shares


New Member
I had some AIB shares (took some as part of staff share scheme in 2008-2010), but I don't have the associated cert - all I have is a statement of my holding received from AIB at the time.

I tried contacting Computershare to see if they have any record of my holding, but apparently the ref number on the statement is not recognised by their systems.

Any advice how I can get an up to date info about my holding and hopefully get my certs reissued (I would imagine the updated certs issued in 2017 were sent to my old address)? The shares are worth close to nothing, but I still would like to get an up to date record of it.

Thanks in advance!
Why would you want it if they are worthless?

If you know how many shares you had and how much they cost you, that is all you need to know for CGT purposes.

AIB did an automatic buy back of shares recently so I am surprised that Computershare were not able to help you if you had the right name and address and evidence of acquisition.
It is for CGT purposes, yes.

Computershare were less than helpful. I may try my luck again, maybe this time I'll get someone more willing to help.

Thank you!
If they are not helpful, then write to the Company Secretary in AIB. AIB pays them well and they should sort you out.