Central Credit Registrar wef 1 Jan. 2018 - Thoughts thereon


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I received an email this morning from my bank highlighting that from 1 January, other institutions can access my credit report.

Highest level, I see a huge need for this - but thinking closer to home ..

i How far are reports prepared for? Shouldn't there be some legislative/regulatory prohibition to restrict reports prepared for periods prior to ... umm ... 2010, as an example? Power rests with the financial institution enough already in this transaction .. agree?

ii Will simple missed direct debits be highlighted ? Through stupidity, I missed one in last two months. Perhaps some threshold should be introduced for simple minor 'offences'?
CCR only contains data from June 2017 (with details of arrears as at that date, but no history), and monthly since.
In reality, ICB will remain the main credit reference until CCR has enough history to be meaningful.