Central Bank and Regulator to spend €8m on new offices

Oblivious as to the negative public image or just ambivalent?

Cynical too IMO - making a point that the lowest tender was not chosen. The implication being (IMO) that we 'could have awarded it to a "cheap" foreign contractor but instead gave to an Irish crowd.'
They clearly haven't a clue, have they? In fairness, it's possible that they enetered into the contract to rent the offices some time ago, before the economic situation had deteriorated to its present level.

Isn't it interesting, though, that the new building is owned by Treasury Holdings, which has never made any secret of its active support for Zanu FF. Some things never change.
To be honest I thought it was a bit of a non-story and couldn't understand why it was front page news.
It's very easy to look at numbers and think 'well? so? isn't that what things cost? what's the big deal?.' But this contract is - apparently - for a fit out at a rate of €1,430 per metre or €133 per square foot.

That's not a total construction cost. That's a fit-out. It helps sometimes to reduce these numbers to a level where we can easily compare them to something more familiar. A few examples will assist:

I have an office of circa 1400 square feet and it is adequate and functional. The fit-out cost was about €40,000 and I am including the phone system, the server, the structured cabling, re-wiring of the building, the desktop computers, the desks, carpets etc. in that figure. So my fit-out cost was around €28.50 per square foot. I have to admit, it would be cheap and nasty as an office for a senior public servant. I would have no objection at all to the Regulator spending double what I have spent.

Another way to look at this figure: many people building their own house would ( these days) build a house of about €2,200 square feet. I think this would be average for a self-build. They would have a total construction budget of circa €250,000 and they would usually go over budget, getting a top up loan of circa €50,000 to finish the house ( that is the norm in my experience and I do a lot of this type of work). So a fully finished house is coming in with a total cost (Site clearance, construction, planning levies AND fit-out) of circa €136 per square foot. And people these days are putting a fairly high level of finish into their houses.

Bottom line - the costs being cited seem at face value to be unacceptably high. It may be that the building is being leased as a shell and that the fit-out includes a lot of 'second fix' type work. But I think the figures demand justification. I won't hold my breath..................
It's the kind of, eh, patriotic largesse this government seems to excel at.

And sure isn't it cheaper than some silly old vaccination programme to prevent cervical cancer in young women?
well at least they'll be able to house the extra staff Paul Appelby requested back in 2005....

Financial Regulator is a sham organisation, had they performed their role over the last 5 years the banks would not have been in a position to get away with a lot of the shenanigans they got away with.

I believe from now on the Financial Regulator and Governor of the Central Bank will be appointed externally based on professional ability rather than the job being given to one of the longer serving Civil Servants.
Who was in charge of the tendering process and who made the decision on where the offices are to be?