Census Form Collection


Registered User
Why hasn't my census form been collected? There is someone in the house 99.9% of the time, especially in the evenings; but nobody came to collect. Anybody else have this problem?
Give the poor old enumerators a chance - they have till 22 May to collect them.
thanks Irishlinks. Im burnt out collecting these damn forms. there are still about 40 houses i havent hit yet and plan to do them tonight and tmomrow night. So just sit tight and wait Ophelia, we have until the 22nd May to collect them
Having heard some of the census collectors stories on radio recently, try & be as nice & polite as possible to them when they arrive.
The basic gist was that either i) it was impossible to get answers at the door so collector had to keep returning or difficult to get past electric gates etc. ii) rude people iii) people living in fear & poor conditions. The consensus was that the collectors ended up with twice the workload they had imagined
& will never take on the job again.
I have heard an ad on the radio today saying they have not yet collected all the forms and they will be around to do so in the near future.