Celbridge- Oldtown Mill


Registered User
Having finally got my sale agreed though no contracts signed yet on my house in Lucan, (fingers crossed) am starting to look around at other areas.

Had a look at a house in Oldtown Mill in Celbridge. Seems like a nice very well kept estate, any opinions on this or on Celbridge in general.

Some people I have spoken to have said Celbridge is very rough, but that might just mean gone the same was as everywhere else?

Any opinions, good or bad?
Oldtown Mill is very well placed in Celbridge, its a really nice estate, they built the last phase at the back about 18 months - 2 years ago and its not quite as mature yet as the middle and front part in terms of landscaping etc. From knowing a few people locally that live there, the houses are very nicely done and are a little bigger than average that the likes of Beatty Grove,

I lived in Celbridge quite near to it for over 3 years and very rarely ever heard of any trouble in Oldtown Mill and it would be considered to be one of the nicest estates in the area, good location to walk down the Tesco's which is being re-developed and the local primary school etc.

I dont think Celbridge is particularly rough - there are some estates that would have an element of troublemakers but not more so than anywhere else. The estates surrounding the playground near the school, Willowbrook and Thornhill did have some hassle with teenagers hanging round the playground at night but I think this problem has eased somewhat now.

We've moved from Celbridge recently but only because we got priced out of the area in the need for a bigger house but other than that would have definitly stayed, found local school to be very good, liked the area and commuting was fine in and out of Dublin for our situation.
Thats great, thanks for the comments. Am looking not right up the back, but in middle, so it seems to have settled quite well.

Thanks very much.