Celbridge - good area or not?


Registered User
I was looking at a house on the Leixlip side of Celbridge yesterday.
House wasn't exactly my dream home but as a first time buyer you can't be too choosy.

Knowing nothing about the area I would have been of the opinion that Celbridge was quite a nice area with not too much trouble? However I couldn't help noticing a lot of large gangs roaming around, some with carrier bags full of cans going <offensive term deleted by moderator> -drinking (this was 2pm in the afternoon in a quite reasonable-looking private estate).

I was also struck by the fact that in the estate I was looking at, which is 20 years old and quite settled, there were empty vodka bottles, cans etc strewn about the place.

Having done some googling I am getting the impression there are some anti-social behaviour problems around Celbridge. Can anyone offer an opinion?

Not intending to offend anyone from Celbridge here... as an outsider who may potentially have to take out a 35-year mortgage and throw 25% of house price up in cash as well... I just want to know if I should steer clear!
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We have been living in Celbridge since Last Summer and so far we havnt experienced any such behaviour in our Estate to be honest. Like all towns there will be places where teens like to hang out to -drink- smoke and have their own fun but I cant say that it happens all over Clebridge. I do know that some part of the town have experienced what you mention. We have take out a 27 yr mortgage on a hefty sum too but I wouldnt advise you to 'steer clear' from the area at all. We use the train service into town for work and commute to D24 every day too-without problems so far.
If you would like to talk about specific areas and if I can help at all please pm me.
Hope that helps
I agree - you'll probably find this sort of thing going on in all towns now, certainly in the greater dublin area... a symptom of the "Celtic Tiger Ireland" we've created, more than anything else.
I just got a different feeling from the place than I would from say, Maynooth.

As someone buying on a single income I am limited in price range and possibly this is why I am not getting good vibes from places that I am looking at...
Think I'll hold off for a while and see what comes up in Celbridge or elsewhere.

Cheers for replying...
John J - There do seem to be a few teenage 'groups' hanging about from time to time but, overall (without knowing the specific estate you are interested in), Celbridge is relatively quiet. We've been living there for the last couple of years and it's probably as good, but also as mixed, as any suburban area within 10/20 miles of Dublin.

Hi, I was looking at houses in Celbridge last year but decided agianst it due to comuting distance ( City Centre and I need my car with me all the time). Generally though it is a nice area, log on to celbridge.ie, they have an active forum of local users who are very helpful. LS