CB Radio Coverage


Registered User
What's the furthest distance away in Ireland you can be to be able to communicate with others via CB radio? Do you have to be within a 100 miles of the other person for them to be able to hear you?
Radio hams would be able to help you there.
I knew a guy who was able to talk to people all over the world in his car.
Radio is a specialised field and I would recommend talking to radio groups in your area.I would google for that info.

Thanks Diddles. I don't want to get that involved in it. I was thinking of it as a Xmas present. Will keep looking!
A little late for the original poster... but may help anyone else with an interest.

Basic CB radios can be fairly limited in distance. It really does depend on the exact set up you use. Having a great set, good antenna, amps & pre-amps (boost outgoing and incoming signals), good location (you need to be on high ground) you can achieve FAR higher than 5 miles. I won't give figures as it does depend on location, but my own brother could reach most bordering counties even on a bad day.

Upgrading to slightly different frequencies (Upper Side Bands, Lower Side Bands, HAM.... lots of others but I never developed the interest myself so trying to remember old conversations with my brother) I can remember him speaking with people all over the world.
Before his leaving certificate he'd have conversations with people in France to help with his orals. Hes also talked with America, South America, 90% of Europe and some crazy random countries most of us would never have heard of. The possibilities are pretty endless... Using moon scatter (bouncing recorded signals off the moon on certain occasions) can provide some of the strangest noises you'll ever hear.

To go to that level does take a strong interest. The sets, and the other equipment needed, can go into the thousands if you go for the higher end stuff. It has provided my brother with a career he loves and seems to be paying him back ten fold.

From a few years ago the CB activity is still pretty active, checking out the number of whip (car antenna) in your area would probably give an idea of how active it is in your area.

If someone is interested they hold frequent "Rallies" selling the equipment and passing on knowledge. Most in the area are very friendly and more than happy to help out a novice in the area. The local club in our area was very active and held meetings once a month. Ask around in a local area and information will come flowing in....... A local knowledge will also provide very good details on exactly how far you'll be able to contact with basic equipment.