Cavity wall insulation


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Got a quotation for cavity wall insulation for 1989 dormer bungalow.
Cavity foam
option. No grant

Cavity Wall Insulation Options. Walltite is a lot warmer and
the beads may have issues.
Install Silver Graphite Beads on the outside of the rigid
insulation.12kg/m3 0.035
Install a cavity wall insulation system that is completly
airtight and has a superior thermal conductivity and will also
control moisture.
BASF Walltite CV100. Density 40kg/m3 and thermal
conductivity 0.026.

0 €6,900.00 13.5% €0.00

Main house
beads option.
Grant €1700

.Cavity Wall insulation.
Drill holes in existing blockwork and pump in glued silver
graphite beads into the cavity within the walls, slowing down
the movement of air and increasing the thermal performance
of the walls
0.035 thermal conductivity 12kg/m3 density. Fill holes.

0 €2,100.00 13.5% €0.00

Cannot understand why no grant is available for the dearer option of walltite? I am awaiting a reply from company. Any ideas?
On a different note, pumping the cavities walls of your DORMER bungalow with insulation may well not yield much of an improvement in the heat retention properties of the house!
No I have not seen the certificate. Is it not normally used in cavity walls?
Ask to see the certificate, read it and see what it says about masonry cavity walls.
No, not normally used in cavity walls. The few incidences I have seen it used in cavity walls resulted in a lot of cracking of the block walls themselves, hence my question about certification.
No, not normally used in cavity walls.
Wonder if they're talking about a different product, the BASF CV100 documentation seems to suggest its only usecase is for masonry cavity walls?

I have been in contact with the NSAI and am awaiting reply. Has Walltite CV100 got NSAI certification? If not why not? What is the issue ? Has anybody out there used it .It is not elegible for grant?
Has Walltite CV100 got NSAI certification? If not why not?
Have you asked the manufacturer? If it's not certified either they didn't apply for certification, or they did and it failed.