causes or cures for mouth ulcers?

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my daughter was also contuniously getting mouth ulsers, and she now has been diagnosed as a ceoliac she was told she was not absorbing her food properly so worth checking that out ,it is just a blood test.
Thanks so much for all the suggestions - lots there to try

Just on the mouthwash - the cordosyl mouth wash, while can be effective tends to yellow the teeth, (slightly) and has lots of junk, chemical stuff. Especially if a regular tea/coffee or indeed redwine drinker.

Found one in the healthfood shop for anyone interested. "JASON", Healthy mouth. Contains no alcohol, saccharin and tastes so much better and doesnt tend to discolor teeth as much. Different flavours too like aloe vera, tea tree & cinamon.
A friend of mine had a chronic problem with mouth ulcers, she was told by a doctor that there is something found in peas that the body is lacking in. She now eats peas everyday with dinner and rarely has problems. your freezer stocked up
Try getting toothpaste without Triclosan in it, my ulcers have all but disappeared since I changed toothpaste.
I have an allergy to Sodium Laureth Sulfate so don't use toothpaste with it either. It's a pain though when trying to find bath products. You will find this ingredient in most bathroom products that foam - soap, showergel, bubble bath etc.
It's not a permanent cure but you could try using plain Orabase. Aphthous ulcers pain because the digestive enzymes in the mouth irritate the buccal mucosa at the site of the ulcers.

Plastering on Orabase over the ulcers (its just a paste) acts as a barrier to the digestive enzymes and thus allows the ulcers to heal. Of course you should not eat or drink for a while after applying Orabase - the longer the paste covers the ulcers the quicker the healing process. The cause is a viral infection and antibodies may develop to specific strains.
Corsodyl is very good but discolours your teeth - at least it did mine - and it doesn't wash off. It wears off eventually.
Green Macleans was recommended to my brother by a dentist, and it seems to work for him. I try the original Listerine, and as soon as I stop using it the ulcers return!
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