causes or cures for mouth ulcers?

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Anyone know the causes or fastest way to heal mouth ulcers? Partner and daughter constantly prone - they eat well, brush teeth and mouth wash as should. Daughter only 8yrs, gets a few couple times a year, partner gets once every month.

Any sufferers out there with remedies?
My dentist told me mouth ulcers can be caused by old toothbrushes with frayed bristles. I change toothbrush regularly now and haven't had a mouht ulcer since.
Heard they were stress related. I used to get them a lot. e.g. often when doing exams/work.

Haven't had any since I started eating/exercising properly.

I found Corsodyl mouthwash very good for treating the symptoms. I can't recommend
this stuff highly enough.
Agree that Corsodyl is the best thing for them but check if it is ok to use on your daughter, have a feeling that there is an age restriction, might be wrong though.

I was a sufferer big time as a child I found tomatoes, oranges or any other acid type foods triggered them off or fizzy drinks. Now when I get them it is usually after a stressful time with work or other things so thats probably the root of your husbands re-occurance.
Can't see anything in the instructions about not giving it to children. Although it has to kept out of their reach. It can only be bought at chemists but doesn't need a prescription.
I too concur with Corsodyl. I've suffered from mouth ulcers on and off in the past and was recommended Corsodyl by a friend. Amazing stuff, cured me within 24 hours. My son has been getting them recently paritially due to his brace and it worked for him also.

I have found the exact same things bring them on. I would add chocolate to the list for some reason. What I also find is that any abrasion on the inside of the mouth will almost certainly develop into an ulcer.

I don't find anything helps. They seem to run their course no matter what I do. Also putting the likes of Bonjela or something to ease the sting, seems to cause them to be far worse once the initial numbing effects wears off.

I have them very regularly and have done so since a child. If anyone has a cure that works, I'd love to hear it!
You might find [broken link removed] discussion on mouth ulcers interesting. It mentions tomatoes + chocolate also as being a contributing factor in some people.
I tend to get them when I'm run down...sick and keep working through it or have a run of late nights coupled with early starts.
Berocca's your only man!
Mine were so bad I had to attend the Dental Hospital because of them. A combination of iron (Spatone), Vitamin B6 and Folic were recommended and seem to be the only things that work. Even a break of two weeks not taking the medication causes them to return.

Needless to say these medications are not suitable for a young child and should be discussed with a doctor before an adult considers their use. Too much iron can be dangerous for some people especially men.
Oral B 'Bocasan' is very good for getting rid of mouth ulcers. It comes in small sachets of powder which you dilute in warm water and slosh around your mouth 3 times a day. I have found it much more effective than other over the counter remedies.

If the outbreak is really bad, ask your doctor for 'Adcortyl', its a gel that you put on usually before bed and it sets over the ulcer. Very effective but not pleasant as you have to get rid of it the next morning!
A doctor friend of mine once gave me a prescription for a 1% steroid paste (Adcortyl In Orabase) which worked a treat; a little tube of it lasted maybe 3 years (only used it occasionally, when required). Not sure if it still requires a prescription or if it is suitable for kids.
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Was told on another board to watch out for SLS's - (Sodium Laurel Sulphate) in toothpastes and to try one without. One type that doesn't have any is the sensodyne gel (only the gel one!).
I switched to this over 3 months ago and havn't had one since. I
Also use Corsodyl and found a new one recently which is excellent aswelll called Betadine which is also an antiseptic mouthwash. I once had a really bad one and the doctor prescirbed me Corlan pellets which you allow to dissolve on the ulcer. Found the mouth washes a lot more effective though.
Oral B 'Bocasan' is very good for getting rid of mouth ulcers. It comes in small sachets of powder which you dilute in warm water and slosh around your mouth 3 times a day. I have found it much more effective than other over the counter remedies.

Heard that Bocasan was withdrawn from production a couple years ago.
I used to use it, i'd swear by it in killing off ulcers.

Since then, its Corsodyl
I've heard that sugars delay healing (i.e. the more sugar you consume the longer the ulcer stays)...

In my own experience I've found Anbesol (sp?) to be effective. It's an anaesthetic and antiseptic topical fluid that numbs the area and clears things up well...

In terms of contracting them - my own experience would say stress / being run down - but I'm sure there are a million other ways!

Check out:
[broken link removed]
I used always use Anbesol but it was taken off the market for a while. Think it's available again but is not as good as it used be. Corsodyl is the best thing out there at the moment. I was prescribed 'Adcortyl In Orabase' which is good too. I always describe it as being like wallpaper paste but it does the job! Only available on prescription here but bought it over the counter in Boots in London.
Mix up some salt and water onto a cotton bud and apply to ulcer. Sore as hell for a minute but works, dentist recommended swishing around salty water in your mouth, same thing.
Smear some honey over the ulcer-it should clear it up in a day or so-as a prevention,try eating a slice of bread coated with honey every will prevent ulcers recurring.

Dab it with poitin or whisky... bit of a sting but does the trick. Bonjella is also effective (I have some in my gob as I type!)
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