Cattle Dealer: Unconventional farming practice, animal welfare & dumping of plactic?


Registered User
You know Im just letting off steam but kind of annoyed with new neighbour and his farming methods.

The land beside me changed hands last year and I believe its new owner is a cattle dealer. In the past it was simple grazing which was grazed for a few months and allowed to recover then grazed again.

Now however the farming method has changed to this growing of beat which is eaten by the cattle from the ground. The method seems to be where small sections of this field which has beat are slowly released to the herd of animals and they eat there way across it. It is substituted by a bales of hay which are delivered every week or so. I suppose it’s a good way of fattening up cattle.

But because of the wet and poor weather for the last 4-5 months I have been looking at cattle almost up to there knees in muck struggling through what Id nearly call a swamp and im finding it disturbing.

I actually think they are limping. Is this a normal farming method?

One other issue I have with this farmer is he leaves the black plastic wrapping from the hay bales where they fall after he opens the bale usually outside on the road. These generally end up in my garden or simply get mashed into the soft margin.

Am I overreacting about being upset with this or is this normal pratice? how would anyone else feel if this was happening beside them?
Re: Cattle Dealer

Fodder beet is a common way of feeding cattle, however he shouldn't be letting the animals live in muck. Sounds as if he is fattening them for the factory rather then the mart. If you believe that animal cruelty is taking place you should report it to the Gardai or the ISPCA, they are quite ruthless when it comes to this, a farmer in Kilkenny got 20 months in jail this week for cruelty

In terms of the plastic, report him to the local environmental health officer
Re: Cattle Dealer

Thats far from normal practice for normal farmers but seems to be regular practice from the cattle dealers... Dumping plastic is illegal and you should report him / her if they continue the practice...nothing more annoying
Re: Cattle Dealer: Unconventional farming practice animal welfare and dumping of plac

Ive expanded your title somewhat to more fully reflect your question.
Re: Cattle Dealer: Unconventional farming practice, animal welfare & dumping of plact

I believe he is just fattening them up for factory and from what I know of his operation its pretty big and he is ruthless. Yea I reckon I need to do something as it certainly looks like the cattle are treated cruel to me. I am conscious of being a blow in into a rural community and not wanting to upset the apple cart too much so need to discuss it a little with a few other neighbors.

As for the plastic there's no excuse for leaving it behind on the road and I will contact the council to see how it can be dealt with.
Re: Cattle Dealer: Unconventional farming practice, animal welfare & dumping of plact

I'm a relatively recent blow-in to a rural area too.

TBH I've never noticed anything odd about conditions/treatment of livestock. Plastic however - empty fertiliser bags, twine, random bits of agri packaging regularly litter the boreens and hedgerows. I never really thought much of it. It seems to be cleared up after a week or so anyway.