cat in the garden daughter allergic

I love gardening and don't see why I should have to have netting over my garden just because someone can't leave a litter tray out for their cat.

It's not as as simple as that.

We have litter trays (inside and out for our cats) but it doesn't mean they will always use them - if a cat needs to go, do you really think s/he is going to walk 100M or so (or maybe even a few km) to use a tray?

They are animals - they will just go unless the tray is pretty convenient.
I had a problem with a neighbour’s cat defecating in my garden in my last house. The dirty little creature used to slink into the house the odd time as well. Then I saw it in the garden I “encouraged it to leave” with the yard brush. That did the trick for a few days but the stupid vile thing used to come back and leave its grey slug-like excretions around the place within a week. I asked the owner to keep it out of my house and garden. For some reason they asked me how there were expected to do that. I said I didn’t care how they did it as it was their cat and as such their responsibility but if I caught it they would never see it again. No more cat problems.

I'm curious now. You should knock on their door and ask them what they did.

Seriously, I think people's cat hatred is strongly influencing this garden defecation problem.

Dogs do it too - more often IME. And rats/mice/birds/badgers/foxes...

In fact the dog situation is much worse IMO in that owners are not supposed to have them off the lead - but they do. Often.

At least cat owners are not under this obligation.
my OH loves cats but is was more obsessed about trying to get neighbours cat to stay out of our garden than I was. Its horrible when you're spent loads of time, effort and money to do up a garden only to find 3 mounds every morning and footprints all over the place from a cat.

I agree about dogs not supposed to be off the lead and that the situation can be much worse but this is usually in public places rather than private gardens

Cats Defecating in the garden is worse than any other animal due to the possibility of children picking up Toxoplasmosis.

I actually love cats and had two in a previous life, before I had my son, who is severely allergic just like some previous posters. Not a plesant experience for an adult let alone a small child.

Cat ownership does have responisiblities and saying cats do what they like is a cop out in my opinion. Our cats were litter trained both were over two years when we got them. so anything is possible.

The water options work for us, sometimes my husband uses a water pistol!! mind you I think more for stress relief than anything else.
just my two cents!!
Cats Defecating in the garden is worse than any other animal due to the possibility of children picking up Toxoplasmosis.

Well, I would say that rat urine/weil's disease would give them a good run for their money!

BTW as a cat owner I have no problems with cats being humanely deterred from other people's gardens. I'm not washing my hands of them, but I have to let them out and I honestly don't see any way I can prevent them from entering other people's gardens myself.

As it happens, it's not a problem for me or any of my neighbours - I live in a rural area and cats/dogs are running around crapping all over the place as are rabbits/foxes etc. I'm not that bothered and no-one else seems to be. Life IMO.

I'd be genuinely interested to know what Purple's neighbour did though- unless he just simply doesn't let them out anymore.
The lions doo doo or urine works not because its a lion - its because of the testosterone. Any urine with testosterone should work for territory marking, so get a bloke to wee around your garden and mark the territory, but remember, the scent will weather away so it will need to be refreshed on a regular basis.

Of course cats are pretty sly and smart, so I doubt territory marking will work long term anyway because if the cat knows the garden is empty it will come back in, safe in the knowledge it can probably climb faster than you or any other human.

What about large plastic bottles filled with water around the lawn, supposed to work because the refraction of the light makes the cat think something is moving there?
I'd be genuinely interested to know what Purple's neighbour did though- unless he just simply doesn't let them out anymore.
I don't know and now I wish I'd asked them but it would be a bit strange to ask them now as I moved about three years ago. (Maybe the cat was run over and they thought it got into my garden and I'd killed it)
And if all else fails there's running after them and trying to kick them up the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language. Good exercise and humane too ( since you rarely, if ever, connect).
Purrfect..........lot of nonsence thank you.
Daughter is on 3 types of meds and has a reaction thats so bad that she often lands in hospital.I on the other hand am a cat lover.But must keep my daughter away from them.shes been to the doctor thank you.many doctors and has had a total of 5 tests since she was 2 months old.
my youngest child isnt scared of cats.she just has no interest.

about throwing poop over walls.I was kidding.
your post made me fume .sorry ,but allergies are NOT always in THE HEAD and maybe im the highly strung mother your talking about.(the mind wonders)im not highly strung.I'm a mother would hates seeing her child ill.
Just give me 5 minutes in a locked room with anyone who tells me that my cat allergy is 'all in my head'.

I nearly died in South Africa from an allergic reaction to cats in the house where I stayed.

From now on, as far as I'm concerned, the only good moggy is a dead moggy. Preferably one which has been deloused (it's the mite sh1t that causes the problem) and then run over by one of those american 18 wheeler rigs.

I'm not kidding when I say I point the car at them on the road when I see them crossing. Haven't got one yet but here's hoping!

As you might gather I don't like cats!
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You are 100% correct,its the mite that causes the problem or dandruff as i call it.PURRFECT really had me in a rage with that idiotic jabber.

Cat allergies are no joking matter.she/hes more than welcome to vist my daughter when she has a reaction,gasping for breath and watching the red rash appear all her her body.
And if all else fails there's running after them and trying to kick them up the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language. Good exercise and humane too ( since you rarely, if ever, connect).
So you're the neighbour from hell then.

I just sit on my sofa in the front garden watching the world go by, what's the problem?
There's a fencing system for keepin cats in a garden and preventing them from roaming outside, surely the same system can be applied to keep them out? my partner's mother's workcolleague got one of these and it wasn't too expensive. Might be worth giving consideration if your daughter suffers this badly...

um, I didn't say they are always in the head, I said often, big difference in my mind, I do know allergies can be serious. I have a couple of friends with serious peanut allergies, none have moved into a house beside a peanut farm/factory though, as they have a bit of common sense. I was talking about my own experiences not yours,Try reading again.

I made the assumption that someone with such a serious allergy wouldn't knowingly move right beside a long haired cat, and by the sounds of it asking a couple of neighbours or just being around the area for a little while would have identified there were cats around.

It would be very hard to live anywhere in Ireland and not have a cat near you. You could spend a lifetime looking for such an estate and not find one...common sense as you said yourself???