cat flea infestation in house



after many tears from the kids we agreed to get a kitten a few months ago. we take care of him well, he's been neutered, vaccinated, treated for the usual fleas etc, but since we started to let him out of the house in teh evening (after checking with the vet that fresh air and exercise woudl be good for him) he's come home with a horrible flea infestation regardless. we've treated him again, he has a flea collar on, and we've vaccuumed furniture, treated it with flea sprays etc from the pet shop. but can't get rid of them from aroudn the house. it's highly embarrassing, i have been in tears over this this morning, they are even waking me at night now with bites, as the cat had been allowed to roam the house while we were out during teh day (before this all came up) and they are in beds, couches, carpets... I'm mortified to put it mildly. I am to speak to the vet later about waht he might be able to give me, and am expecting a call back from rentokil, but would rather not have their van parked outside the house obviously!
anyone else had this and how did you get rid?
never again am i taking on a pet. he'll be a lucky cat if we keep him after this.
Are you using only a flea collar? They're often not much good.

Topical applications like Frontline are much better.

There are various powders available for furnishings but really you would be better swallowing your pride and getting rentokil (or similar) in.


He was treated by the vet when he was vaccinated, then we got a flea collar and he was treated again this week with frontline or one of those drops from chemist. They seem to be dying off him, but are still around the house.
Where would you get those powders? From an agri vet rather than a domestic pet one?
I think it is still manageable at this stage, if i get out a carpet steam cleaner and do the powder on furniture at same time maybe? I don't suppose rentokil do unmarked vans?
I don't really hate them, I'm very fond of him, but this is taking animal-loving a bit far for my liking.
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cats are domestic pets - a domestic pet vet will have the necessary powders.

Whats the problem with Rentokil? I wouldnt give a fiddlers if I had to get them to my own house or if I saw their van on the road at a neighbours?

poor little fella - sure he hasnt a clue he has upset you so much!

I think so, yes.

I don't suppose rentokil do unmarked vans?

I think they might do actually - or at least someone like them do.
I'll see what the vet can give us so.
re rentokil, it's the embarrassment mainly, I can't believe that this is after happening, I do keep a clean house!
I already have a fair idea that the next door neighbours have it in for him; their son had a strange type of virus a couple of months back and "women's intuition" tells me they blamed the kitten as they keep their son well away from him ever since - to an almost paranoid degree - even though he loves the cat.
I don't want to give them any ammunition against him, or fall out over it, although I've obviously let them know not to let him near the house as he is "scratching a lot".
Are you using only a flea collar? They're often not much good.

Topical applications like Frontline are much better.
Agree with Caveat...flea collars are absolutely useless! Frontline is a fairly good product to use instead. There used to be a fantastic furniture/household spray called Acclaim out a few years back that did the trick!
We've used Frontline this week so fingers crossed.
Where would you get that spray swordshead?
We've used Frontline this week so fingers crossed.
Where would you get that spray swordshead?
I used to work in a pet shop in called Estuary Kennels and they sold it there..its in a white and red container with a black lid, we used to sell loads of it! If you cant get there...looks like ebay [broken link removed] seems to get good reviews too!
excellent, will try to get that.
Thanks, I'm off to do some scratching, yuck.
For what it's worth, used Advantage on our two tabby's and worked great. Then when local was out of supply had to use Frontline but that was a disaster. Now back to Advantage again & working fine. We get it from local veterinary clinic. Need apply once per month definitely over winter regardless of any other vaccinations the cats get.
Your little kitten must be having an awful time of it with those parasites but it is absolutely normal - all animals carry parasites. It's only when they get out of proportion there's a perceived problem.

You need to treat the little one with Frontline. When we had cats we found a failsafe way to de-flea them was to put lighted night-lights in a couple of inches of water in dessert-bowls on the floor - a couple in each room. The warmth attracts the fleas (which find their next host by heading for heat) they jump into the water and (here's the science bit!!!) if you've added a tiny bit of washing-up liquid to break the surface tension of the water THEY DROWN! Hurray!
Thanks everyone; I think the cat himself is under control, he seems happy out anyway; as I said early on, he was treated at a young age by the vet, and I treated him again this week with Frontline. The problem is fleas on our furnishings that are biting US.
I spoke to Rentokil yesterday - €400 + VAT to treat (Spray) 3 rooms, and would have to launder every piece of clothing, empty wardrobes etc, and then they still do not guarantee eradication. So that's out.
I called to another vet yesterday and they gave me a spray for around €20 that i gave another shot last night, stripped beds, boiled the linen, hoovered mattresses with small attachment, sprayed every inch of beds and rooms, same on stairs, same on couhces in sitting room - seems to have worked everywehre so far, at least no new bites on us last night. Fingers crossed. Going to buy another can this evening and redo the sitting room, but i hope the problem is behind us now.
I'll try that trick with the bowl of water tonight too in case there are any live stragglers.

That's very clever!
IMO flea collars just make the fleas jump off the pet and land elsewhere!
.............and of course you won't leave the nightlights unattended or where they can be knocked over by kids or pets all the best with it!