Cat C write off- how safe?


Baby love

Just looked at a car today. It was a catagory c write off but has now been repaired.
It passed the NCT last week and seemed to drive perfect. At the mo it's awaiting engineers report.
The guy in the garage told me that he repaired the bonnet, wing and headlamp. No damage was done to the chasis.
As it's for a young family safety is crucial.
1. Would the insurer write off a €10k car for this amount of damage?
2. Would you feel safe if it were your wife and kids in it?

I work in motor claims. We write cars off every day. What determines whether a vehicle is written off is the repair price versus the pre accident value. As the repair price is based on using all new parts in a lot of cases write offs are borderline so deemed as cat C. This means beyond economic repair and that the car is usually suitable for trade repair and can go back on the road subject to a certificate of roadworthiness being in place. One thing to note is that some insurance companies will not insure cars comprehensively that have been written off in this way. You also may find it difficult to resell further down the line. That said given that it has already been catagorised as a write off you should be able to get it for a good price, considering the current market etc. From a safety point of view its highly doubtfull that a motor engineer will issue a cert of roadworthiness unless repairs are completely satisfactory